

  • Expose some presentation nodes (shower, slideshare, raw mode)


There is no configuration option. You only need to enable the plugin by adding this line into the IoC configuration file.


Bower configuration

You need to install shower or/and reveal.js, open your bower.json file and add

"dependencies": {
    "shower": "~1",
    "reveal.js": "2.6.2"

Shower Presentation

A shower presentation is defined by presentation.shower node type:

# /blog/2009/sept/18/are-my-services-coool.yml
type: presentation.shower
title: How to create a good presentation ?
abstract: Let's try to show off with shower!
published_at: 20 May 2014 12:37:48
theme: ribbon # or bright

class: shout

## The presentation
## Slide 1

- My bullet point 1
- My bullet point 2

## Slide 2

- My bullet point 1
- My bullet point 2

### etc ..


You can use some metadata to get better support from the theme

  • class:
    • shout: one big title
    • shout grow: a growing big title
    • shout shrink: a shrinking bit title
    • cover: a title + a picture
  • id: an html id that you can used to define custom slide

  • data-timing: a timer before switching to the next slide (value format: 00:03, ie 3s)

You can also include some stylesheet to tweak some slides

class: cover
id: cover

#cover h2 {
    margin: 30px 0px 0px;
    color: #FFF;
    text-align: center;
    font-size: 70px;

#cover p {
    margin: 10px 0px 0px;
    text-align: center;
    color: #FFF;
    font-style: italic;
    font-size: 20px;


## Shower Presentation Engine

Integrated into Python Element

<img src="" />

Reveal.js Presentation

A shower presentation is defined by presentation.reveal node type:

# /blog/2009/sept/18/are-my-services-coool.yml
type: presentation.reveal
title: How to create a good presentation ?
published_at: 20 May 2014 12:37:48

## The presentation
## Slide 1

- My bullet point 1
- My bullet point 2

data-state: blackout

## Slide 2

- My bullet point 1
- My bullet point 2

### etc ..


You can use some metadata to get better support from the theme

  • ``data-state`: used to change the background color

Slideshare Presentation

A shower presentation is defined by presentation.slideshare node type:

type: presentation.slideshare
title: SFPot March 2014 - Sonata Block Bundle
published_at: 19 March 2014 12:37:48
embed_code: 32480268 # the embed code
width: 800           # the width of the presentation (default=597)