

  • Expose a page.default node handler


There is no configuration option. You only need to enable the plugin by adding this line into the IoC configuration file.


A page node is very similar to a blog node, however it should be used to render simple page.

title: Homepage
type: page.default
format: html

<div class="row demo-tiles">
  <div class="span3">
    <div class="tile">
      <img class="tile-image big-illustration" alt="" src="images/illustrations/colors.png" />
      <h3 class="tile-title">Blog</h3>
      <p>Some posts about <br/>technicals playground.</p>
      <a class="btn btn-primary btn-large btn-block" href="blog">Read It</a>
  <div class="span3">
    <div class="tile">
      <img class="tile-image" alt="" src="images/illustrations/infinity.png" />
      <h3 class="tile-title">Element</h3>
      <p>A python CMS based on Tornado with a bit of IOC. </p>
      <a class="btn btn-primary btn-large btn-block" href="">Play</a>
  <div class="span3">
    <div class="tile">
      <img class="tile-image" alt="" src="images/illustrations/bag.png" />
      <h3 class="tile-title">Stats</h3>
      <p>Some information about this instance.</p>
      <a class="btn btn-primary btn-large btn-block" href="stats/parameters">Get Them</a>
  <div class="span3">
    <div class="tile">
      <img class="tile-image" alt="" src="images/illustrations/compass.png" />
      <h3 class="tile-title">Resume</h3>
      <p>A "standard" <br />curriculum vitae.</p>
      <a class="btn btn-primary btn-large btn-block" href="resume">Discover It</a>

The format option defines how to handle the content field. You can provide a markdown content or a html content.