

  • Expose a node handler


There is no configuration option. You only need to enable the plugin by adding this line into the IoC configuration file.


You can create a blog index by creating a node.index node with the following value. The node will list all children of /blog with types =

# /blog/_index.yml
title: Posts
type: node.index
    limit: 64
    path: /blog
    types: []

A blog post is defined as:

# /blog/2009/sept/18/are-my-services-coool.yml
title: Are my services coool ?
format: markdown
enabled: 1
published_at: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 19:19:16

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras gravida malesuada tellus,
at tincidunt lorem accumsan vel. Vestibulum varius sodales sagittis. Quisque tristique
tempus ligula blandit sodales. Nunc luctus, orci in interdum porttitor, urna massa scelerisque
felis, eget hendrerit sapien eros sed augue. Ut quam mauris, feugiat nec laoreet pellentesque,
molestie eget orci. Vivamus leo leo, convallis et sodales vel, fermentum sed leo. Cras sit
amet dui vel sapien consectetur adipiscing. Pellentesque lectus massa, aliquet et ultrices
sit amet, volutpat vel leo. Nulla aliquet sodales enim ac dictum. Proin mattis arcu a metus
aliquam pulvinar. Phasellus sed lectus elit. Donec vitae urna magna. Vestibulum id volutpat eros.

The format option defines how to handle the content field. You can provide a markdown content or a html content.


The default template used is and declare two nodes events that can be used to extends the template.

  • node.comment.list: the listener should return the comment list related to the provided node
  • node.comment.form: the listener should return the comment form

The element.plugins.disqus plugin can be used to handle comments.